Parsippany: (973) 538-4700

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Fein Such Kahn & Shepard

Brian McCabe Secures Verdict, including Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, on Behalf of University Client

Brian McCabe, Esq. recently tried a case against a loan borrower on behalf of a University in which the borrower rejected every reasonable opportunity to resolve the case over the course of numerous settlement conferences. After the borrower rejected our client’s final and best settlement demand to resolve this matter, the court scheduled the matter for trial. That turned out to be a big mistake by the borrower—as a result of Brian’s successful efforts at trial, the University was awarded not only the full amount sought, but also attorney’s fees and costs as provided for in the underlying loan documents. If your business has a collection matter you’d like to discuss, please contact Mr. McCabe at (973) 538-4700, x-183.